Monday, July 16, 2012

The 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church

The General Convention of the Episcopal Church meets every three years ... and the just completed 77th General Convention met from July 5-12 in Indianapolis.

It was an extraordinarily successful gathering as the deputies and bishops from around the 110 dioceses that make up the Episcopal Church gathered for worship, legislation, collaboration and communication. Some of the links below will take you to news reports on the actions of convention and others to reflections on the tone and timbre of the debates and decisions.

All Saints was well represented in the work and witness of the Episcopal Church at its national level ... and you'll see many familiar faces in the slide show below. And in the fall, Susan Russell will lead an adult education offering on "The Episcopal Church 101: Forward into the Future" -- where we'll look at the decisions made in Indianapolis and what they have to do with our work and witness here at All Saints Church.


New York Times
Landmark Decision for Transgender Inclusion -- Huffington Post
Episcopalians Say Yes to Bless -- Huffington Post
Susan on CNN: a follow up interview about what was accomplished in Indianapolis
Religion News Service
Associated Press
Episcopal News Service


Mel Soriano's "Let All Who Are Thirsty Come" -- "Breathe" I told myself. It's the Episcopal Church's triennial General Convention, you'll be surrounded by other faithful people, and you've worked at high tech conferences and convention halls for 25 years. But this was different. I was volunteering to be the social media dude at Integrity USA.

Jim White "Reports from General Convention" -- While same-sex blessings and expanding the rights of transgender persons within the church grabbed the headlines from General Convention, probably the more significant action was the creation of a Task Force “whose purpose shall be to present the 78th General Convention [2015] with a plan for reforming the Church’s structures, governance, and administration.” The enabling resolution, C095, whose first paragraph explains that “…this General Convention believes the Holy Spirit is urging The Episcopal Church to reimagine itself…” was passed unanimously by the Legislative Committee on Structure, the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops.

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