Every time we renew our baptismal promises we hear the words “Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?” and we answer together, “I will, with God’s help.”
There are as many ways to proclaim the Good News of Christ as there are people to proclaim it. Saint Francis of Assisi famously said, “Preach the gospel at all times: use words when necessary.” At All Saints Church we proclaim the Good News by putting our faith into action through outreach, advocacy and activism – by spirituality, community and peace & justice. And through the marvels of “multiplatform communication” we now have even more ways to proclaim that Good News out into the world.
On Facebook, members of the All Saints Facebook Group stay up to date on with each other and with upcoming events – posting pictures, comments and links to articles of interest. On twitter, followers of #ASCpas get links to our latest sermons, forums and publications. Our YouTube channel is updated every week and provides an archive of Sunday sermons and Rector’s Forums -- and have been live-streaming the Rector's Forum on our website since 2010.
The Good News that provides both comfort and challenge to those who fill the pews at 132 North Euclid Avenue every Sunday morning is now also comforting and challenging those who are experiencing for the very first time the power of the message “whoever you are and wherever you find yourself there is a place for you here” on their computer monitor, laptop or iPad. And never doubt for a minute that the power of that message can and does reach out and change lives. From an email received from an online viewer:
You make me want to believe in God. I think you have interpreted with love, kindness, and thoughtfulness the true doctrine of Christ. As a non-Christian for what it's worth, you make me wish I believed, so I could belong to a church like yours.Your support of the work and witness of All Saints Church helps make transformational moments like these happen. Grace in Action – one Facebook post, Twitter feed, YouTube clip and live-stream view at a time!
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